Monday, December 22, 2008


Eheeww, such a long time for blog hiatus. Hahahahaa :p

So, emm, these days I am discovering knowledges and experiences of setting, making, and even exploring guitar, its sounds, amps racks, and effects routing. It's fun, really! I mean it. When I did those things, I feel like, woooow, it's my world.

I did learn so many things, especially the effect routing stuffs. I explored the stomp boxes things which is really, really, really fun that you gotta deal with many boxes including its pedalboard. I learnt much also by watching videos from guitar master such as Jim Root, John Petrucci, Mark Morton, and even Paramore's Josh Farro. Wish I can be like, or even more than them!

I bought some of stomp boxes for my own guitar sound, yaa I bought it for my stages thingy. Currently I use a Boss Turbo Distortion, Boss Acoustic Simulator, and a Boss V-Wah. Recently I planned to buy some more, like Digital Delay, Reverb, Chromatic Tuner, and also Equalizer.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hey guys I am now trying to reactivate this blog again :) oh ya, I'm going to post blog posts often from my blackberry now, uuh, tech thingy are getting easier by days! See ya.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

Sunday, July 20, 2008

10 S

Graduated di tanggal 21 Juni (my birthday juga lho), dan new academic year di 21 Juli. Wow serba 21 yaa.

Daaan, hari Sabtu kemarin saya ke sekolah, mau ngeliat masuk kelas mana. Begitu sampe MPH, JEDEEEEER, ini yang saya liat:

10 S

Hemmmm. 10 S. Boleh juga lah. Dan pas liat anak-anaknya, tambah gila lagi hahaha, here it is:

Wikan (new blood hahaha)

Beuuuuuhh. Kebayang nggak ini kelas gimana jadinya? Hahahaaa tunggu posting berikutnya.

Btw im happy. Hahaha.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Multiply Page

Hey there, just to let you know, saya punya page baru di Multipy.

Bukan berarti saya meninggalkan blog ini, tapi untuk anda agar bisa lebih get inside my head dengan review-review saya, musik, video, dan calendar saya.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Global Metal

Pernah dengar judul film diatas? Honestly, saya pernah mendengar film karya Sam Dunn yang lain, yaitu Metal: A Headbanger's Journey. Dan saya baru tahu Global Metal sekitar setengah jam yang lalu dari site Mutiply milik manajer The Upstairs dan editor majalah Rolling Stone Indonesia, Wendi Putranto.

Di halaman Multiply nya, dia bilang, rusuh konser Metallica 10 April 1993 Stadion Lebak Bulus ada di trailer Global Metal. Well, saya baru lahir 2 bulan setelah konser itu, tapi saya sudah mendengar banyak cerita tentang rusuhnya konser itu dari ayah saya. Jujur saya tertarik sekali, karena saya juga suka metal. Statis saya langsung menuju ke YouTube, mencari trailer Global Metal.

Di video itu ada Lars Urich, drummer Metallica, berkata,

"You can see like fire, smoke, police's sirens, and yaa, all that craps".

Saya yakin itu dia bercerita tentang konsernya di Lebak Bulus 15 tahun yang lalu, karena setelah itu muncul cuplikan sebuah kejadian rusuh yang saya yakin itu stadion Lebak Bulus. Lalu muncul Wendi Putranto, berkata,

"After the Metallica's concert, they banned aaaall the metal concerts."

Bangga saya jadinya sama scene metal Indonesia, karena sudah disorot dunia. Kalau nggak salah saya juga pernah dengar scene metal di Indonesia adalah scene metal terbesar ke-3 di dunia. Ada juga Samm Dunn memakai sarung di Masjid Istiqlal, Jakarta, yang menunjukan metal is alive, even on a Muslim oriented country.

Dan apalagi di description videonya (diambil dari official Myspace nya Global Metal), tertulis:

"The film follows metal fan and anthropologist Sam Dunn on a whirlwind journey through Asia, South America and the Middle East as he explores the underbelly of the world's emerging extreme music scenes; from Indonesian death metal to Chinese black metal to Iranian thrash metal."

Saya jadi penasaran pengen nonton filmnya, karena akhir-akhir ini saya juga mendengarkan lagi Burgerkill. Ada yang tau kapan film ini masuk Indonesia? Ahh come here, Global Metal!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Viva La Vida

Who loves Coldplay? Haaaaa their new album "Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends" is way too genius!

Chris Martin memang gila sih ya. Hahaha. Di lagu "Viva La Vida" dia cerita tentang French Revolution, beda banget dengan album-album sebelumnya. Dan saya suka banget sama lagunya. Keren. Sing-along banget pula. Here's their video playing "Viva La Vida" in Amsterdam.

Gara-gara ngeliat video ini saya jadi langsung search video-videonya Arcade Fire. Hahaha.

By the way I'm waiting for any indonesian promoter to bring Coldplay here!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ini baru yang namanya band!

Sekitar 1 jam yang lalu saya baru mendengarkan Riot On Air di radio Prambors. Di acara itu ada interview dengan band hardcore dengan frontwoman perempuan, Walls Of Jericho yang tanggal 14 juni kemarin baru saja mengadakan konser di Jakarta dan somewhere sebelum 14 Juni di Malang.

Ada kata-kata mereka yang benar-benar bikin saya, emmmmm.. inspired:

"We don't care how people get our songs or albums. We don't care whether they will buy the CD, have it shared by their friends, or download it for free. We're happy to have them appreciate us and our works"

Woooow! Ini baru yang namanya band! Yang penting berkarya. Duit? Nomer 2 deh. Yang penting karyanya sama kualitas.

I salute Walls Of Jericho!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tidak ada yang lebih indah dari musik.

Tidak ada yang lebih indah dari musik. Tidak ada.

Buat saya, musik bisa menggantikan indahnya pulau paling indah di dunia sekalipun, dimanapun saya berada.

Jika saya sedang berada di tempat yang menurut saya antah berantah, jauh dari rumah, saya bisa mendengarkan "Home" nya Michael Buble, atau "Kedamaian" nya Tohpati.

Jika saya sedang berada dalam kebosanan, saya bisa merasa ada di Jamaica dengan mendengarkan "Love Is My Religion" nya Ziggy Marley.

Jika saya sedang ingin berada dalam sebuah konser besar yang fantastis, saya bisa mendengarkan album live-nya Muse "HAARP Tour Live at Wembley" dan merasakan gemuruh puluhan ribu penonton dalam stadion itu.

Jika saya sedang sedih, saya bisa merasakan John Lennon dan Paul McCartney menasihati saya saat mendengar "Let It Be".

See? Tidak ada yang lebih indah dari musik. Tidak ada.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saya bangga dengan diri saya sendiri!

Tadi malam, saya bercerita kepada seorang teman. Kepada dia, saya biasa bercerita tentang masalah-masalah, dan sebaliknya, dia pun sering bercerita.

Tadi malam saya bercerita saya kehilangan kepercayaan diri saya sendiri. Kenapa?

Seorang teman saya yang lain lagi, menurut saya benar-benar hebat. Dia pintar. Dia punya social network yang luas. Dia mempunyai banyak bakat. Sedangkan saya selalu berpikir saya selalu ada dibawahnya waktu saya dekat dengan dia.

Teman yang tadi saya ceritakan tentang masalah saya, berbicara akhirnya. Dia bilang, "Rey, lo jangan sekali-kali mikir kayak gitu. Whatever you think about yourself and friend you have told me, lo selalu punya kelebihan di mata orang lain.".

Saya memang terlihat bodoh. Masalah sekecil gini saja saya harus sampai bercerita ke orang lain. Tapi walaupun masalah internal diri saya ini terdengar kecil, menurut saya sangat berpengaruh. Produktivitas saya berkurang. Kemampuan saya bersosialisasi juga berkurang. Mau jadi apa saya di dunia ini sekarang kalau dua hal itu tadi, produktivitas dan sosialisasi, tidak ada dalam diri saya?

Jadi, mulai tadi malam, mindset saya sudah saya ubah. Saya bangga dengan diri saya sendiri.

Lagi, saya bangga dengan diri saya sendiri. Tidak peduli apa yang dikatakan individu lain.

Saya bangga dengan diri saya sendiri. Tidak peduli seberapa gelap hari-hari saya. Saya bangga dengan diri saya sendiri.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dufan and Ancol Trip

Ke Dufan dan Ancol itu selalu menyenangkan. Pasti. Apalagi kalau bareng teman-teman. Kemarin, kelas saya waktu kelas 8, 8N, jalan-jalan lagi ke Dufan. Sebenarnya bukan cuma 8N aja sih, tapi plus Ara. Hehehe.

Inilah kebodohan pertama yang kita lakukan di mobil: Mobil Honda Stream-nya Galang diisi dengan 12 orang! Bisa bayangkan? Kursi depan diduduki Galang dan Amira. Kursi tengah diduduki 4 orang yaitu saya, Icat, Haris, dan Ghaney. Lalu kayaknya kursi belakang yang paling horrible, ada Neisya, Santy dan Rizki. Tapi bukan mereka saja, ada Nadia dan Ara dipangku! HAHAHAHA! Kita sempat ketakutan dicegat polisi tuh. Hehehe. Ini dia desak-desakannya di mobil:

Dan setelah sekitar 2 jam berdesak-desakan, akhirnya kita bisa meloloskan kaki. Hahahaha. Dan kita norak, di cap stempel saja sam petugas Dufan bangganya setengah mati. Lihat ini:

Kita antri pertama di Kora-Kora. Iya, kita orang pertama yang antri pertama di Kora-Kora kemarin. Dan dengan bodohnya, kita berhenti di depan tempat antriannya, bukan di depan Kora-Koranya! Hahahaha, padahal antrian ke belakang udah kayak ular panjangnya. By the way, Kora-Kora was a great opening!

Lalu kita antri Kicir-Kicir, tapi sayangya Kicir-Kicir belum bisa dioperasikan karena masih ada gangguan teknis, dan kita ke Alap-Alap (roller coaster mini). Saya duduk bareng Haris, dan kita punya foto-foto aib kita hasil jepretan saya waktu naik Alap-Alap. Enjoy these aib photos!

Setelah kira-kira 5 putaran Alap-Alap selesai, kita menuju ke Niagara-gara, yang SEPI-NYA MINTA AMPUN! Seumur-umur ke Dufan saya tidak pernah melihat arena ini sepi. Kita 5 kali naik permainan ini berturut-turut, dan kita basah semua. Hehehehe.

Ini sebelum naik:

Dan ini setelah selesai permainan:

Astagaaa. Hahahaha!

Habis 5 kali naik Niagara, kita ke Rajawali, which is permainan yang dulu gw takut karena diputer-puter di atas dan itu tinggi! Hahahaha. Lalu kita mutusin makan dulu di McDonald's, karena kita semua udah laper berat! Hahaha.

Agar tidak kleyeng-kleyeng setelah makan, kita main permainan yang nyantai dulu, yaitu perang bintang, dan lagi-lagi, gw selalu kalah di permainan ini. :'(

Foto di Perang Bintang:

Setelah itu kita main Pontang-Pontang, yang kita nggak nyangka bakal "disiksa" seperti itu. HAHAHAHAHA!

Ghaney and I in Pontang-Pontang:

We both look like Elvis Presley here, aite? Hahahahah.

Oh iya, by the way, di Pontang-Pontang, Amira duduk bareng stranger yang kayak F4. Huahahaha.

Lalu kita kita ke permainan yang bentuknya kayak UFO-UFO gitu, hahaha (maaf lupa namanya apa). Dan saya duduk bareng Amira, yang desek-desekin saya hahahaha.

Oh iya, sebagian besar dari kita setelah main ini langsung pusing dan mual-mual! Hahahaha!

Lalu kita ke panggung-panggung itu, kita foto bareng disana. We took great pictures dan jadi wallpaper handphone saya sekarang.

Lalu setelah berlelah-lelah, kita ke Kuda-Kudaan. Hahahaha biar bersantai-santai sedikiit laaaah.

Setelah itu, kita akhirnya bermain-main ke Halilintar (yang 5 kali kita mainkan), ke Arung Jeram, Ontang-Anting, Kicir-Kicir, dan banyak lagi yang lain.

Dan yang unik adalah: Game pertama dan terakhir adalah KORA-KORA. You should know we had great times in KORA-KORA, kita semua seru-seruan bareng. Apakah yang seperti ini bisa diulang lagi?

Setelah jam 6, kita pergi dari Dufan, dan kita makan di A&W. Tapi kita beli makanannya untuk take away, karena kita mau makan di pinggir pantai! Gosh... itu benar-benar waktu yang menyenangkan. This Ancol trip is way much better than last year's trip to Dufan and Ancol! Lalu kita main-main di pinggir pantai, kita main BUTTERFLY yang serunya POOOOOOOOOL- POOLAN.

We shared alot of things waktu kita duduk di pasir. Cerita tentang masalah apa yg lagi dihadapi, atau unek-unek lainnya. Yang paling mengena di saya adalah: Kita bergiliran menyebutkan kelebihan teman-teman kita yang juga duduk disitu. Itu benar-benar seru. Ternyata teman-teman saya baik sekaliii... Heehehehe!

Well, itulah cerita tentang trip kemarin ke Dufan dan Ancol. Untuk 8N: Kemarin seru banget yaa, hehehe. I hope hari seperti kemarin bisa diulang lagi di kemudian hari. Sebentar lagi kita lulus SMP, mudah-mudahan kita nggak terpisah yaaa.

I'll see you on the other side, 8N!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

iPhone 3G Tidak Didistribusikan di Indonesia!

Oh noooo! iPhone 3G tidak sampai ke Indonesia. Huhuhu, mau tidak mau, berarti saya harus ke Singapore atau Australia. Tapi apakah bisa di unlock disini?

iPhone 3G to be available in 70 countries:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

iPhone 3G

Saya lagi kesengsem banget sama iPhone 3G. Gila, cuma USD 199! Itu untuk yang 8GB. Yang 16 GB, terjangkaulaaah, USD 299. Waaaaw, kira-kira boleh nggak ya beli sama bapak? Hehehehe. I hope.

Btw, ada yang lucu tadi pagi. Si Gary, yang gila iPhone (hahaha) bilang gini, "Wah gila, iPhone jd murah amat sekarang. Murahan ah, males gua makenya". Hahahaha bercanda apa beneran ya? Hahaha.

Artikel tentang iPhone 3G:,1000000091,39431429,00.htm

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Whole Lifetime for Music

Gosh.. Akhir2 ini saya jadi sering mikir, saya benar2 mau jadi musisi. It seems like I want to spend my whole lifetime with music.

Saya suka merinding sendiri kalo melihat, mendengar, atau membaca tentang musisi-musisi idola saya. Nggak jauh-jauh, jangankan musisi luar, musisi lokal aja saya suka mau nangis melihatnya.

Contoh, tadi malam (sekarang jam 2.30 pagi), saya menonton live-nya Maliq & D'Essentials, yang kebetulan saya suka dari pertama kali mereka muncul. Begitu mereka main 2-3 lagu, langsung muncul di pikiran saya: "Kapan ya saya bisa jadi kayak gini?". Always, setiap saya melihat band-band favorit saya main live.

Contoh lagi, saat Java Jazz Festival di bulan Maret lalu. Saya benar-benar hampir mau nangis saat melihat Tetsuo Sakurai, mantan bassis band jazz fusion, Casiopea, bermain. Bulu kuduk saya merinding. Lagi-lagi: "Kapan ya saya bisa jadi kayak gini".

Kalau mau tanya orang rumah, mungkin mereka sudah bosan melihat saya seperti orang gila (headbanging sendiri, virtual guitar-ing, atau nyanyi-nyanyi). Kalau mau tanya teman-teman saya, ya, kurang lebih mungkin sama jawabannya dengan orang rumah, mungkin ditambah, "Suara lo jelek banget sih rey..".

Tapi apa mereka tau, bagaimana saya benar-benar ingin jadi musisi? Saya kira enggak. Kadang ada yang bilang ke saya untuk jadi lebih realistis, jangan mikir jauh-jauh jadi musisi hebat.

Ya, mungkin benar, saya harus lebih realistis. Mending, berusaha keras. Lagipula, saya sudah ada rencana akan kursus gitar lagi di Farabi, yang notabene sudah mencetak musisi-musisi profesional seperti Dewa Budjana.

Saya akan biarkan mimpi saya untuk jadi musisi terus mengalir. Mungkin suatu hari nanti akan menjadi nyata.

Buy me these !

List of things I DO REALLY WANT nowadays.


Jimi Hendrix, John Mayer, Rolling Stone use it. Who wants?


Canon EOS 400D

Monday, June 2, 2008


seriously, these guys blast my ears nowadays. different genres, but that doesn't matter, I LISTEN TO ALL MUSIC. hhahaha.


melodic-ish hardcore and they are way much better than fall out boy i think, hahahaaa. favourite tracks: "heroes get remembered, legends never die", "men are from mars, women are from hell"


an indie pop attack, blasting my ears. hahaha they are having some gigs in indonesia few weeks ago but i didnt watch them for UAN. huhh. favourite tracks: "pulling our weight", "keen on boys"


these guys are amazing! mereka bawain pop kontemporer yang sama sekali nggak biasa. yaaa, jauh lebih baik dari band-band menye-menye layar kaca dan cinta-cintaan standard. ahh, lirik mereka juga.. bikin merinding. seperti post gw sebelum ini, lagu "melankolia" punya lirik yg menurut gw hebat banget. favourite tracks: "melankolia", "sebelah mata"

other current playlist:

above are the main current, guys. hahhaaha but for more here it is.


Thursday, May 22, 2008


ini lirik yang paling menyentuh buat gw akhir2 ini. lagunya EFEK RUMAH KACA, judulnya "Melankolia". Ini liriknya, kalo diperhatiin, dipikirkan benar-benar, lirik ini sangattt hebat.

"Tersungkur di sisa malam
Kosong dan rendah gairah

Puisi yang romantik
Menetes dari bibir

Murung itu sungguh indah
Melambatkan butir darah

Nikmatilah saja kegundahan ini
Segala denyutnya yang merobek sepi
Kelesuan ini jangan lekas pergi
Aku menyelami sampai lelah hati"

Thursday, May 15, 2008

i can see myself fall into them

ehhmmm.. hey there. just stopping by. 10.31 PM right now.

I hate some of my friends in these very days. I don't kno why, yaaa.. they're just.. annoying. Well, but I'm trying not to hate them, knowing just 1 month to go to graduation day and I don't wanna have bad memories with them at the end of the junior higschool years. Trying to spend best times of junior highschol years.

That makes me feel.. emmm.. uncomfort, but.. hey I'm trying to do myself a favor and make myself feel better.


Listening to: Cinematic Sunrise's "The Wordless"

Monday, May 12, 2008

Words of the day

Here it is, words I've been thinking of all day long:

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up"

"A true lover lets every single good thing falls down on their love, even leaving them is good for their love"

"Sometimes, things we don't want are things which are good for us"

What about your words?

Sunday, May 11, 2008


9.08 PM. Sitting in front of a white MacBook. With August Rush soundtrack CD, Babyboss magazine, Viki Sianipar DVD, iPod, and a cellphone beside. Hey, August Rush is a great movie by the way, isn't it? Ummmmmm... I even wrote one of that movie's quote on this blog's header. What to do? Nothing.

Ohhh heeyy, I just watched the movie "Earth" this afternoon at Blitz Megaplex. YOU SHOULD WATCH IT. Caps locked, means this movie is worthed. I'm sure you guys have heard about "An Incovenient Truth" by the superb Al Gore, and I'm sure you guys know what it is about. Uhmmm... Global Warming. Well, I found people are bored with "An Inconvenient Truth", because it contains emmm... like a talk-show thingy. Al Gore shows datas, graph, facts, and others on the movie. If you're one of them who bored watchin that movie, you should watch "Earth". You won't be seeing emmm.. datas, graph or anything else, but how the earth runs in diversity, with its superb plants and animals. This movie shows bears on Arctic, an endless drama on earth : cheetah chasing animals to be eaten, superb waterfalls, and other magic on earth. Sounds great, eh? The movie shows those great things to tell us : "Hey wake up! Earth is your planet!". You will realize how great this planet is. Do you mind losing those great things because of GLOBAL WARMING? If you don't mind, hey, buddy, where's your heart?

So you will be brain-washed after watching this film.

"Lets fall in love with the earth. Again."

Saturday, May 10, 2008

My HD found me something

uhhhh.. one more post please this night! because I found something on my HD. And this is it.

This photo is taken.. about 6 years ago. Yaaa. It is my old mates from Pamulang, a place where I live about 6 years ago. From left : Me, Dimas, Iim, Faris, Mamang, and Ara. Mamang hold a ball in the photo. Ya, because we play football everyday! Hahahaaa, we play after school, after a deep sleep in the morning, in a fine afternoon, and even we ever played on 7-8 PM.

I plan to visit them on this holiday, because I miss them just too much. I wanna play football again with them. Hahaha

Do me a favor.. please!

uhh weww.. it is 11.14 PM right now and I can't sleep. Ah, Blogger is my only escape runway this time.. hahaha. Friendster don't know how to make me feel better, Facebook is just.. boring as hell, Myspace got no activities, Id-mac.. some people ignore me on this community, ahh.. please do me a favor!

The Beatles's "I want to hold your hand" is playing now on iTunes. other Beatles's masterpiece will keep playing on iTunes after this, such as "across the universe" "let it be" and another 66 Beatles's songs (since i have 69 on my iTunes).

UN's done, by the way. I can see no more school subjects books on my table. Haaaaa...

It is 11.27 PM right now. just.. 13 minutes after the first word i wrote on this post. once again, i beg internet to do me a favor..


Friday, March 21, 2008

RAN : gini nih yang gw cari!

He? RAN? taulah lo semua pasti! yakin lah, airplaynya di radio udah tinggi dan udah nggak susah ditemui di "favorite music" section di profile-profile friendster. hahaha iya kan?

pertamaaa banget gw denger lagunya dari profile friendster seseorang bulan november-an, dan itu masih versi demonya "pandangan pertama" yang make nama FRD featuring nino, bukan RAN. statis aja gw ngedengerin, awalnya gw masih bingung "apaan sih nih?". nah pas begitu masuk synthesizer dan drum dan segalanya, ajib aja gw mikir "anyiiiing, enak juga nih". jreeeeng hari-hari berjalan akhirnya gw mulai nemuin siapa itu yang nyanyi pandangan pertama, dari friendster-friendster orang yang ngereview lagu itu, dan personal message temen2 gw yg nulis "i love RAN". tambaaaah lah penasaran gw, siapa sih RAN? dan akhirnyaaaaaaa.. temen gw si bening nenteng2 cd nya RAN waktu lg ujian akhir semester di sekolah. nggak banyak pikir, gw bilang aja "oi pinjem dong". dia bilang "jangan ilang loh, susah gw nyarinya, di toko2 abis mulu hehehe". ngek? gila gw kaget. laris? keren nih, pikir gw. gw pun nenteng2 cd nya RAN ke kelas, terus ada temen gw bilang "itu RAN ex al-izhar loh". nahlo tambah kaget gw. begitu dirumah gw dengerin cdnya. otomatis aja gw mikir "enak juga".

dari mulai desember sampe januari gw dengeriin RAN terus. lama-lama gw dengerin kok jadinya enak bangeeet gitu ya. secara nggak sadar pun gw tiap hari dengerin RAN. gw mikir "gini nih yang bagus. nggak ikut kebawa arus pop sederhana yang berlarian di industri musik major label."

akhirnya semakin kesini, orang-orang mulai banyak yang tau RAN. semua pada mulai pada nyanyi2 pandangan pertama, dan gw juga nemu beberapa lagi humming lagu nothing last forever nya RAN.

tambah kesini lagiii, satu jakarta full sama orang2 nyanyiin pandangan pertama (lebay ya?). wah emang keren nih, gw mikir. akhirnya ada juga band yang bikin dobrakan, dan gw seneng juga, abisnya gw bosen juga, band2 indonesia kok semuanya hampir satu setel sama band2 kayak matta band, kangen band yang tergantung sma industri maunya gimana. kalo menurut gw RAN itu nggak bner2 tergantung industri maunya gimana, trendnya gimana. mereka mikir kualitas, bukan kuantitas.

setelah 2 kali ngeliat livenya, di citos dan java jazz, tambah cinta aja gw sama RAN. keren bangeeet livenya. kreatif pokoknya. worthed lah band ini pokoknya, oh ya, dan akhirnya gw beli juga cdnya RAN, karena cdnya RAN gw balikin ke bening! hahahhahahahah. pokoknya RAN itu HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

worst highschool scene: break up

so, well i welcome this scene one more time in this highschool period.

i found some, mmm online advice to get through, but this is the part that i mostly done:

1. Think through everything in your head. Go ahead and mull it over, as many times as necessary, within reason. Consider all the reasons you two broke up. There had to have been a reason for it all to end, right? If there was a reason but it wasn't a good one, then understanding that you enjoyed one another for awhile, but it wasn't enough to make a life on can help you move forward.

2. Clean up! A breakup can signify a new beginning. Therefore, cleaning your personal space will leave you feeling refreshed and prepared for the new things to come. A mess can be overwhelming and depressing, and will just add to your stress level. The added bonus is that keeping busy with tidying your space doesn't require a lot of brain power, but does require just enough focus to keep you from recycling pain. Occupying yourself with these tasks designed to make your life better and easier will also occupy your mind enough to help you through the residual pain.

3. Think Positive Hey, now that you're not with your ex, you can do anything - date anyone, and not have to worry about them. You're free! Of course, don't forget about respecting other peoples' thoughts while feeling released and free. And always remember to be true to yourself

and some online tips:

1. Remember those old catch phrases: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", "Everything happens for a reason", "There are other fish in the sea" and likewise. When you go through a break up or some other emotionally challenging time in your life, you're actually getting closer to finding true happiness because you are getting to know your true inner self. This may or may not include marriage or romantic relationships... and that is okay, no matter what you do in life.

ssoo, every person has their own weakness, and so do i.


Friday, January 4, 2008

roses and butterflies

wooow im just walking through youtube and i found an amazing video of one of my favourite band, making april. amazing version of "roses and butterflies".

two minutes murder

OHOOOOOHO weirdest posting of mine. hahaha this is just sooo stupid that i miss my old band, two minutes murder!
maybe a year ago i started this band with dias ganes and pasha. ahahaha i clearly remember the first time we play together in a band we play jakarta flame's "a walk into the valley of death". well it was without ganes as the vocal. then ganes join me dias and pasha, so ganes screams in this band hahahaha. days go on and we played some songs like underoath's and as i lay dying's, played at a show in our school (hahahahahahahahahaha). no satisfaction with all of what we did, we made a song. i remember it was a wednesday after school, we went to lain music studio and made a song. oooh i remember how happy i am that time, when i cant believe I MADE A SOOONG! hahahahahaha weird song yesyes. days go on again, and we decided to record it. i also remember how hard it is to find a shift in studios to record our song, and finally i found oranye studio. then on 27th january 2007 we recorded our song at 10 in the morning, while forever damnation (well it was only insan, imo, jordy, and nicky) accompanied us. pasha didnt come that day so i record bass's tracks, and dias came late, so me and ganes made the drum's track together. recording ran clearly that day, but i went home earlier when i finish the guitar, bass, and (some) drum track. ganes stayed at the studio and wait until the balancing process of the song finished. that day (recording day) at night, i open two minutes murder's myspace, and well, the song was posted by gary and ganes! im so happy that time that i listen to our song maaaaaaaaaany times that night.
and well the recording was done, and people gave us (alhamdullilah) good comments about our song. since then, we dont have any band practice more after the recording. naturally, ganes told me he wants to have band practice, since we havent practice in 2 or 3 weeks. he also told me he wants two minutes murder to play underoath's "in regards to myself". but theeeen, a conflict happened between me and ganes. ahahaha i dont have to tell what it is. so then i made a decision, i resign from two minutes murder, and what a coincidence dias told me the same thing, he wants to resign from two minutes murder. so theen, two minutes murder kept going without me and dias, and with additional players.

hahahaha yes that's a short story about my old band. hahaha i think you know what it feels, to be in a band, and then resigned, and dont play in band for a long time, hahahahahahahhaa.

okay here they are, pictures of two minutes murder that left in my laptop.

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okay then, see you on my next post


jakarta: traffic disaster

ohhh well jakartajakartajakarta. dont blame your parents if they keep shouting to you after work if this is the reality:

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

newest update and my life so far

its been, mmmmm maybe 8 month i havent update this blog. hahaha wel im so glad to be back here by finding my lost password of this blog.

well, so, i mean too many changes in my life so far. personality, relationship, ideology, and even music taste.

yeay okaay, i will start from my changes in music taste.
8 month ago, it is like there is a big big wall in my music taste. yes i believe you guys know about the nowadays teenage trend that, hmmm trapped in a music genre called metal, screamo, hardcore or everything else around it. hahaha it's just embarassing to think of it and telling it that i have been behind that wall. i mean, i have been in that trend wave. skinny jeans, skinny t-shirt, all black, oh well i wear those things 8 month ago. every day in 8 month ago i always listen to bands like job for a cowboy, bring me the horizon and other loud things, and when i listen to other music i said "what music is this?" with cynical expression. and then i dont know what, when and why something makes me think that, woooow im just so stupid. im trapped in that trend wave. that 'something' makes me think i have closed my own world and eyes to the entire world. the entire world got so rich, with different kind of music, people, and anything more. while my own world got so poor, it is just fulfilled by one type of music genre, and one type of people. that 'something' had push me to open my eyes, heart and my own world and think more globally. finally i have changed my music taste. i dont say i stop listening metal screamo hardcore and whatever it is, but i listen to MORE music, off course different music. i have removed that big big wall.

my personality and ideology changes.
personally, i feel i have changed. when i look back to my 8 month ago, it's just a different kind of me. 8 month ago, what can be described from me is: emotonal. yes, emotional, i use my emotion to run everything in my life. i make decision, i think, i study, all with emotion. 8 month ago, i make decision that is comfortable with me, and decision which makes me happy. then, one day i heard and read a word, "everyone who thinks with his or her emotion, is a stupid person". what the hell? this is totally wrong. that's what i thought firstly when i heard that word. then i asked my father, is that word right. he said yes, a smart person thinks with his or her logic, and decides which decision is right and good for all people, not decision which makes a happy feeling or comfort only for ourselves. i feel i changed alot after that. weew. i start to use my logic alot and less with emotion.

my relationship.
haa im very lucky to have ayie now.

oooohkay, well that was my reflection of myself, by me personally. give me comments if you dont or do see my changes.
